Chiropractic Treatment
At our office, we strive to provide the State College and surroundings with comprehensive, modern chiropractic care. Because of this, we offer a variety of adjusting styles and therapies that you can choose from for a truly individualized approach to care.

Hands On Adjustments
This type of adjustment uses just the doctor's hands to deliver the adjustment to specific joints of the body, particularly the spine, to restore proper movement and enhance joint mobility.

Activator Adjusting
This is a chiropractic technique that utilizes a handheld instrument called the Activator Adjusting Instrument. This instrument delivers a precise, low-force impulse to specific areas of the spine or other joints, aiming to restore joint mobility, improve alignment, and alleviate pain or discomfort.

Drop Table Assisted Adjustments
In this style of adjusting, the doctor will use table that drops down when they apply the adjustive force to the joint being treated. This is a great option for patients who prefer to not hear any popping in their joints. We even offer this option for your neck!

Graston / Scraping
This is a manual therapy technique that utilizes specialized instruments to address soft tissue restrictions and promote healing. By applying controlled, targeted pressure with these instruments, it aims to break down scar tissue, improve range of motion, and reduce pain and inflammation in muscles, tendons, and ligame

Trigger Point Therapy and Soft Tissue Treatment
Because the joints don't move without being acted on by the muscles attached to them, we always recommend having some muscle treatment done prior to getting an adjustment. Not only does it make it easier to perform the adjustment, it helps it to feel better for longer!

Decompression /
Flexion Distraction
This is used to treat spinal conditions such as disc herniations, sciatica, and spinal stenosis. It involves the use of a specially designed table that applies repetitive, rhythmic movements to the spine, allowing for decompression of the discs, alleviation of nerve compression, and restoration of spinal function.